Fresh air

There’s a new sound on the airwaves these days in the genre of faith-based broadcasting….though with a fresh twist. Catholic Radio International has recently started airing its initial programming on a mission to engage the culture on the issues of the day, grounded in a foundation of moral order and the eternal truths of faith. Topics in the headline news are treated there with probing questions, and they tell me they hope that the information they provide will help you arrive at some answers. It’s smart insight and analysis, it’s inspirational and thought-provoking, and a great addition to the field of Catholic Christian communications.

That field is casting out further with the broader reach of newer and evolving technologies to reach more folks, and draw us all into a discussion about news, faith and morals. That can only be good. I think I mentioned this recently in a post, but I recall several years ago when Cardinal Francis George talked about borders dissolving (in Europe) and populations migrating and cultural dynamics changing, so that we’re no longer a world of nation-states but “communities on continents in conversation.” Technology provides a global, instant and lively connection among these communities, and we can and should all be talking with one another more….and listening.

“Communication is a moral act,” said Pope John Paul, and it carries a responsibility for all parties on each end. With respect to that responsibility, CRI takes their statement of purpose from John Paul’s successor:

“To inform the consciences of individuals and help shape their thinking is never a neutral task. Authentic communication demands principled courage and resolve. It requires a determination of those working in the media not to wilt under the weight of so much information nor even to be content with partial or provisional truths. Instead it necessitates both seeking and transmitting what is the ultimate foundation and meaning of human, personal and social existence. In this way the media can contribute constructively to the propagation of all that is good and true.”

~ Pope Benedict XVI
Message for 40th World Communications Day

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