Gingrich’s address
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gave the Liberty University commencement address, which also honored the memory if that school’s founder, Rev. Jerry Falwell, and the ideals that grounded the university…and the country.
“A growing culture of radical secularism declares that the nation cannot profess the truths on which it was founded,” Gingrich said. “We are told that our public schools can no longer invoke the creator, nor proclaim the natural law nor profess the God-given quality of human rights.
“In hostility to American history, the radical secularists insist that religious belief is inherently divisive and that public debate can only proceed on secular terms,” he said.
Gingrich also decried what he called judges’ overreaching efforts to separate church and state.
“Too often, the courts have been biased against religious believers. This anti-religious bias must end,” he said.
That will require a grassroots movement by the people, because the cultural mindset of radical secularism is one projected on us by the major media, which I’m not so willing to call ‘mainstream’ anymore. The people are the mainstream, and principled activism has to bubble up from there to make things different. In this election ‘season’, be active.