Grab a broom
Or, “shoulder a sword”, as the Chigago Tribune editors urge citizens. It’s time for change alright. And it goes way beyond one state.
Maybe the politics of Illinois would be less applicable to those of US government if they weren’t so closely related, frankly. News commentators and late night comedians regularly make the connection. The T-Shirt that came out after the election saying “Chicago Is In The House” was a matter of pride around President Obama’s hometown (also the hometown of several members of his administration). It showed a Chicago flag flying over the White House….
So now we’re in mid-term election year 2010, and the states will hold their own primaries throughout the year. For Illinois, it’s February 2, and the Chicago Tribune is on….if not a rampage…..a dedicated mission to sweep clean the scandalous and corrupt politics of the state once and for all. “Rehab” is their firmly stated purpose.
Try this thought experiment, and insert “America” wherever they say “Illlinois”…
“Together, the Feb. 2 primary and Nov. 2 general elections can — must, if Illinois is to liberate itself from this predicament — constitute The Revolution of 2010. To make that happen, though, each of us needs to shoulder a sword.
“We need not only to educate ourselves and then vote for the best candidates on those two Election Days. We also need to create the informed buzz, and make the one-on-one personal outreaches, that will bring our family members and friends to the polls.
“That is, each of us needs to engage a few apathetic or otherwise underinvolved citizens to vote in 2010. It’s a sure thing that the political oligarchs who run Illinois will have all of their family members and friends at the polls. That’s how they grip power until the day their anointed successors — usually chosen by the other oligarchs, not by mere voters — pry it from their hands.”
This resolute mission to take back government and take care of the business of running things for the common good applies to the nation.
The Tribune editors say politicians told us about their devotion to cleaner and more open government.
“They sang an Illinois Lullaby of words both obtuse and soothing: transparency, ethics, accountability. They warbled that they’re “open to change” and “willing to discuss.”
“Not good enough. Time to silence the Illinois Lullaby and get on with dramatic changes to how Illinois government treats the people of this state. . . . From now on, let’s judge our elected officials by their effectiveness or impotence at delivering reform.”
We need results, they insist.
“We intend to live by that credo in an effort to rehab Illinois during 2010…Illinoisans have watched their politicians resist aggressive reforms, both to how Illinois is governed and to how state and county governments spend money: Many politicians have jealously protected their power while overcommitting taxpayers to more missions than we can afford.
“As a result, this state is impoverished in spirit. And it is too impoverished financially to pay its bills for services already delivered to the disabled, the sick, the most vulnerable among us.”
Troubling how aptly this fits national politics beyond the state. Yes, we are in need of rehab. Or revolution. Let it begin.
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I posted this story on my facebook page and this is a response that I got:
I think there is a candidate that can actually implement real reform and promote greater accountability and transparency!
Unlike any of his opponents, Adam Andrzejewski doesn’t need the legislature to implement the 2 key components of his impressive platform.
1. Every Dime, Online, in REal Time (Taxpayers can see Public Spending)… See More
2. Forensic Audit (Assess impact of Government spending)
These two in and of themselves will make the legislature incapable of inserting too much wasteful pork because we can see everything they’re doing with our money (finally) and it would have to have a tangible impact! He’s also got an impressive job growth, education, healthcare, and property tax platform.