High Noon
As President Obama was being sworn in today, change happened immediately over at the White House on the official website of this administration. It’s full of information.
The mission and intent of the Whitehouse.gov website, which of course reflects the president’s, is explained on the blog.
Citizen participation will be a priority for the Administration, and the internet will play an important role in that. One significant addition to WhiteHouse.gov reflects a campaign promise from the President: we will publish all non-emergency legislation to the website for five days, and allow the public to review and comment before the President signs it.
He has promised, in the Grant Park victory speech and at times since, to listen to diverse voices. He has said he heard the voices of those who didn’t vote for him, and he needs their help. This space provides a direct opportunity to voice your concerns and hopes for legislation.
It’s a time for grassroots activism. The president wants to hear from you.