How much information can China control?
This is no surprise, actually.
Sen. Sam Brownback says the Chinese government is pressuring U.S. hotels in Beijing to monitor their Internet traffic in the run-up to the Olympic games this summer.
Just look at everything else China has been doing in abusing people.
The lawmakers blasted China’s record on human rights, reciting allegations of torture, religious and free-speech abuse of their own citizens, oppression of Tibetans, military and economic support of genocide in Sudan, torture and execution of North Koreans and backing of the dictatorship in Myanmar.
…just to name a handful.
Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., called China’s record “a human rights record of shame.” Sen. Jim Bunning called China’s modern history “abysmal.” Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., said human rights are “worse today in China than they were 10 years ago.”
“Dismal” was the adjective of choice for Rep. Diane Watson, D-Calif. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., made up his own word for what’s going on in China: “Gender-cide,” which he used to describe the government policy against birthing females to control population, which has reportedly manifested itself in some cases as government-required abortions.
Smith compared the Beijing Olympics to the 1936 games in Nazi Germany.
Okay, they’re finally noticing. What took so long?!