If you haven’t voted yet

Look, briefly, at two things.

In case you missed it earlier here in the Forum, consider this: http://www.durarealidad.com/ Click on the English video (unless you want to hear it in Spanish). It’s short, doesn’t take long. But since it’s time to vote, stick with it and watch as best you can. Because the man elected to the presidency may very well be in full support of what you see in this video.

And just to be sure how strong and sure his support is, look at this brief video.

Then see if you can reconcile the two.

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  • Sheila,
    I’ve read your blog for some time and always found clarity in your articles and commentary. After your earlier reference to the durarealidad site, I viewed the video. In the waning days of the campaign I wrote this letter to our local papers, borrowing one of your lines.

    What “Choice” Looks Like
    If you are “Pro-Choice” doesn’t it make sense to know what “Choice” really looks like? This video might help.
    Watch this short video at http://www.durarealidad.com.
    If you can’t watch all of it, think about why it’s so offensive.
    The images are staggering. They literally took my breath away. As I watched, the thing that kept flooding into my mind was the memory of the shocking pictures I recall seeing as a child, in the old wartime-era newsreels, of twisted and broken bodies piled like refuse in the Nazi concentration camps. …if we had only known sooner.
    But, we DO know what abortion is. Your “Choice” on election day could spare over a million innocent,k young, undeniably human lives every year.
    Now that is truly the audacity of hope.

    There certainly seems to be a high level of denial, maybe due to some guilt and complicity, what with so many millions of people involved over the years. With the election over, I wonder in what forum, the truth will be accepted.
    Thank you for the focus you provide on these issues.

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