Illinois politics and World Cup soccer
Okay, there’s really no connection.
Other than a couple of stories turning up at the same time that have a glancing crossover. Like the one about how controversial the newly designed soccer ball is, because it performs so weirdly.
It is believed to have an unpredictable swerving movement which makes its hard for goalkeepers and strikers to anticipate its direction in flight.
They may have a hard time tracking the movement and behavior of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich along with a slew of politicians once that trial gets underway.
Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s federal corruption trial will feature prosecutors feeding voters a steady reminder of the worst elements of Illinois’ political culture — allegations that money, insider influence and personal interest drive public policy in this state.
And it has kicked off now, with jury selection in play.
18. If you’re on this jury, you will probably miss a lot of World Cup games, including USA vs. England. Can you stand it?
Some hot summer days ahead. Unpredictable, too.