In defense of men

This seems to be picking up steam as a social issue. Good people are getting fed up with all the male-bashing in the culture.

White males in particular, especially if they’re fathers, are routinely portrayed as lazy dolts in the mass media. I’m a wife and mother of two teenage sons who are being raised in an anti-male media culture — a culture that far too often spews the mantra of radical feminism. The guys in my life are good, decent men. It makes me sick each time “their kind” is attacked in commercials, television shows, print ads — you name it.

Rebecca Hagelin wrote about this recently, and received a flood of email responses.

They came from all walks of life. I heard from truck drivers, college students, grandfathers and fathers…

Plenty of women chimed in, too, on behalf of husbands and sons:

“Our son graduated from high school last year. It was amazing to watch during his senior year how several of his teachers reacted to him when he stated he was joining the military. (He’s currently in the U.S. Coast Guard.) Talk about hostility.”

Another wrote:

“My 27-year-old daughter and I are forever marveling at how contemptuously men are portrayed in everything from TV commercials to sitcoms and even some movies. The feminist influence is so obvious and I can’t help but wonder why no one raises a complaint against it. That is why I was so glad to see your column. It’s about time someone said something about this outrageous discrimination.”

After putting up the post below on that popular “Dangerous Book for Boys” and then bumping into this column, it seems like the time has come and people have plenty to say.

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