Instead of looking at a blank screen

Sometimes, writers just hit that notorious block (sometimes it feels more like a wall). I did yesterday, which is why I found this little post by Barb Nicolosi so humorous.

I am back in L.A. supposed to be working on writing projects today. Which is, of course, why I am taking Internet quizzes. This one was fun and pretty true. I was born in NJ and learned to talk there. Moved to RI when I was five, too late to acquire the Go-ad in heaven, wicket biz-ah way of talkin’ that my de-ah sistahs have.

A Midland accent, eh? Yes, Barb, you do have a good voice for TV and radio, you’re wise and witty, and I have had lots of fun with you on my radio show(s). Listeners have enjoyed our chats as well, and I hope to do more of it ahead.

For the moment, it appears we both have writing to do…

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