Invincible faith

The nation’s sensibilities are still reeling from the horrific events in the schoolhouse in Pennsylvania. If that didn’t bring you to your knees, the response should.

In the community where it happened, the local Amish most impacted by the brutal crime spree have a biblical message for the reporters who get to them.

“We don’t know what God’s purpose is,” John told me, “but we believe there is a purpose.” We were standing on the edge of a pumpkin patch…

John said he wouldn’t do a television interview. The Amish believe pictures are a sign of vanity, and pictures on TV are an even worse way of indulging in the evils of the world.

But John was willing to talk about the horrible school shooting that brought so much evil to this peaceful world. “We’re very concerned that no message of revenge gets out,” he said. “We believe in forgiveness.”

Love is stronger than death. The message is Scriptural. Its reality is stunning.

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