Is the UN immoral?

It has grown to be so, says this cardinal, and against the very principles of its founding charter.

The Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, expressed his disbelief this week that the U.N., which proclaimed life to be a “solemn right,” is promoting immorality—such as abortion—throughout the world.

“For this reason the Church fights in all parts of the world, because there are so many irresponsible people, beginning with international organizations, beginning with the U.N., which was founded in 1948 and proclaimed a solemn, first right: life.  Sixty years later a woman has the right to kill her child. What have we come to? That was either a trick or this is just a comedy,” the cardinal said during a Mass for the month of the family.

Hoping and believing that neither is actually the case, Pope Benedict based his U.S. visit last April on the opportunity to recall the UN to its roots. Were they listening?

The text of that address is rich.

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