Is this the way to win?

Apparently, Hillary Clinton thinks so.

Sen. Hillary Clinton on Thursday sharpened her attacks on Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama as she faces what even her supporters admit are must-win situations in Texas and Ohio in the weeks ahead.

Right from that lead, you know it’s another stragegic application of what the different camps call ‘compare/contrast’ campaigning.

Americans really don’t like this.

How about….tell the people who you are, what you believe in, what you plan to do for this nation in economic, domestic and foreign policy, and what your views are on the Constitution, and see if we trust you more in comparison with the other candidates?

After more wearisome attacks and accusations from Sen. Clinton, the Obama camp said something wise and not rhetorical.

Reacting to Clinton’s charges, Obama spokesman Bill Burton said his candidate “doesn’t need any lectures on special interests from the candidate who’s taken more money from Washington lobbyists than any Republican running for president.”

“Sen. Clinton may have said that attacks and distortions are the ‘fun’ and ‘exciting’ part of the campaign, but they’re exactly what everyone else in America is tired of,” Burton said. 


Let the campaign be about ideas. Please.

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  • Unfortunately I think Americans for the most part have been fine with negative ads. There is a reason they are used and it it because for the most part they work. If Americans really hated them they would be poison to political campaigns and stop being used. People don’t like the idea of negatives ads, but negative ads themselves they don’t seem to have a problem with.

    Now Obama is mostly trying to go positive, but is is certainly not a campaign of ideas since his ideas and Hillary’s are pretty close together and they both advocate the culture of death and besides Obama is mainly of speaker of Hope and not actual ideas and when he departs from the script such as when he didn’t have a teleprompter he goes quite negative.

    But the Obama camp is not saying anything wise since they are quite in bed with lobbyists and his top thee campaign fundraisers are all lobbyists and there is his connection with George Soros and the money he has contributed.

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