It won’t play
There’s an update today on the ongoing battle to get rid of the V-(ulgar) Monologues (see post below).
Two more universities have dropped it.
Notre Dame students have been forced to move the play off campus. Likewise, students at Saint Louis University have moved their Monologues performance off campus after the university provost refused to support it.
The play had been an annual event at both universities for the past five years, despite vocal opposition from Catholic leaders including Fort Wayne-South Bend Bishop John D’Arcy.
“Faith and reason are reunited in harmony at these prominent Catholic universities,” said Patrick J. Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS). “Catholic educators at Notre Dame and St. Louis University have joined 200 other Catholic colleges by no longer supporting a sexually explicit play that attacks women’s dignity.”
How those students could want to perform or support this play is just mind-boggling. Parents who pay their tuitions ought to be aware of where they are.