It’s only one state primary….and one political party….


…but the media continue to hyperventilate over the presidential campaigns. There was a minute by minute countdown to the moment the South Carolina polls closed this evening, for crying out loud. The second they did close, all the networks declared the winner (based on exit polling). And within 10 minutes, all the breakdowns were well underway (the number crunching by analysts, that is….)

If this is what it’s like now, what will Super Tuesday bring?! Perhaps not drama in the actual numbers, some say. But can the media get much more cranked up than they are now?

Well, yes, as a matter of fact.

The Republicans weren’t in an election today, but they sure were in the headlines.

And it’s not just an American phenomenon. It’s gone global.

Which prompted the Weekly Standard’s P.J. O’Rourke to put together this summary for confused Europeans.

Europeans feel an understandable confusion when faced with a political system consisting of two houses of Congress and a White House, and nobody is home in any of them.

The cynicism in that piece is probably due, at least in part, to how confusing this all is on this side of the Atlantic, too.

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