Keeping watch
During the presidential race, Barack Obama made a great deal of promises. To everyone.
His supporters are worried that he won’t follow through on the extremely liberal ones. Those who did not vote for him are worried that he will. Grassroots activists on both sides of the cultural divide are engaged and mobilized to impact social policymaking.
Some scholars and intellectuals have launched a new project to watch the political process and hold people accountable. It’s the logical, responsible thing to do. Of course, the mastermind behind it is Princeton Professor Robert George.
Some Catholics and Evangelicals in the pro-life community made a significant wager based on Barack Obama’s promise to reduce abortions during the last election, a bet that Princeton philosophy of law professor Robert George is convinced was “foolish.†In order to document the outcome of this gamble, regardless of the results, George and some of his colleagues have launched…
“In the run-up to the presidential election of November 2008, a small number of outspoken Catholic and Evangelical intellectuals and activists were pushing the idea that it was legitimate to vote for Barack Obama and other pro-abortion liberal candidates, not despite the likely impact of their policies on abortion, but because of the likely impact of their policies on abortion.â€
Professor George summed up their reasoning as ignoring the anti-life voting record of the candidates and voting for them because of their economic policies, which would be “so enlightened†that they would reduce poverty, the main cause of abortion, according to these scholars.
“Paradoxically,†said George, “their argument was that voting for the explicitly so called pro-choice candidates was the pro-life thing to do.â€
Saying that this argument struck him as “not only as paradoxical but as foolish,†the professor told CNA that he resolved to create a website after the election to track the decisions of the Obama Administration on the issues of “the sanctity of human life and the defense of the institution of marriage.â€
So is dedicated to holding everyone in the debate accountable. Somebody’s got to do it, and these are the best people for the mission.
Our project is offered in a constructive spirit, not one of vilification. Our goal is to help ensure that never again will good intentions conspire with shoddy reasoning and wishful thinking to compromise the rights of the weakest and most vulnerable members of our community and to undermine the institution of marriage. And so in a sincere spirit of friendship, we invite those Catholics and Evangelicals who joined with Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Rights Action League, and similar organizations in supporting Obama to join us now in repelling the attacks that will be launched against life and marriage by this administration.
“We are going to look at what actually happens when a liberal pro-abortion president and a liberal pro-abortion Congress are voted into office.â€
“Despite my view that the argument was foolish, if it turns out that I’m wrong, and they were right; if I was foolish to think they were being foolish, I will be held accountable by this website.â€
The website is going to publish facts and analysis, George stated.
“It’s going to publish the facts about what happens when abortion is extended, when it’s paid for with public dollars, when laws requiring parental notification for minors who are contemplating abortions or informed consent laws are wiped out…we’ll be able to see the impact was.â€
To what end?
“The goal is to make sure, going forward, -that people in our movement do not repeat mistakes we have made in the past.â€
It’s about time.
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Some Catholics really believe the man can do no wrong. They, like many other well meaning people were caught up in the adulation and media hype. Personal experience with some supporters of Obama leads to the conclusion that they think of him as a kind of st. francis figure that will take us in a direction of world peace. Single women were particularly vulnerable to the image of Obama as healer, and it is born out in polls that they were among his greatest supporters.
An important backdrop to the election that was every bit as important as the Obamamania, was the pounding Bush took for years. It weakened him and his party. Here again, well meaning people started to believe he was a liar and an incompetent of an unprecedented scale. Though not true, the perception was all that mattered. It was time for a change.