Late breaking news?

The deficit has grown again, and that’s getting less surprising but more alarming.

But in reporting the latest release out of the Obama White House, the New York Times and the AP neglected to mention one piece of information.

What they did report was the numbers, dry as they are.

The Obama administration expects the federal deficit over the next decade to be $2 trillion bigger than previously estimated, White House officials said Friday, a setback for a president already facing a Congress and public wary over spending.

The new projection, to be announced on Tuesday, is for a cumulative 2010-2019 deficit of $9 trillion instead of the $7 trillion previously estimated.

What they didn’t really report was the timing, strategic as it was.

Politico mentioned that part.

The timing of the story’s release fits a classic Washington media strategy of dumping bad news late on Fridays, as voters are less likely to hear about news that breaks on Friday nights and appears on a Saturday.

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