Letter to the editor
On that Time magazine story about Democrats getting religion (scroll down couple of posts)…. Mark writes in to say he wrote the editors of Time, taking them to task. Here’s what he told them:
Your July 22nd cover story “How the Democrats Got Religion” borders on the ludicrous. What religion? Right as the magazine hit the streets, the three top Democratic candidates; Clinton, Edwards, and Obama all were touting their policies at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund Forum. The most powerful organization that promotes abortion on demand for any reason without any restrictions is Planned Parenthood. They truly are the Anti-Religion organization. Any candidate that seeks an endorsement from them cannot be called religious. Didn’t Hillary say she wanted to make abortion rare? She’s talking to the wrong people.
You folks are better at connecting the dots than a lot of big media are….and more willing to ask the tough questions.