Like a rolling wave

The pro-life movement to protect women’s health and rights has made historic advances over this past year and finally has powerful forward momentum. Type “South Dakota” into the search window over on the right to follow the story of the groundbreaking strategic work there that serves as a national model for changing abortion law.

Now, more states are following that lead. Like Colorado

A three member title board representing the Secretary of State has approved the final language for a possible statewide constitutional amendment in Colorado that could go before voters in 2008. The amendment would define a human being and the beginning of life as starting at fertilization.

That would result in full legal protection for unborn children from that point forward and the effect of banning all abortions in the state.

…and Georgia

Georgia pro-life groups and supportive local churches are kicking off a rally on Friday to raise support for a legislative proposal that would amend the state constitution to prohibit all abortions. The amendment would also protect human life from euthanasia, destructive embryonic stem cell research, and human cloning.

The trailblazing heroes at the heart of this movement are the crisis pregnancy center people. The ones in South Dakota are busy taking care of women, and preparing for the upcoming legislative session in that state to finish what they started.

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