Looking for credibility
The presidential elections have raised questions about whether a candidate should or would sit down for a talk with some of the world’s dictators, one of them is looking to capitalize on his chances for higher visibility.
Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked for an audience next week with Pope Benedict which would be the first meeting between the two leaders, a diplomatic source said on Tuesday.
Ahmadinejad is among the heads of state expected to visit Rome to attend a June 3-5 United Nations summit on global food security, hosted by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization.
What is the likelihood?
Vatican sources said earlier this week that it was not yet clear if the pope would meet individual heads of state attending the U.N. event or hold a collective audience for them in order to save time.
That’s how Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi handled it. His schedule is too full.