Lots of bishops have been writing letters lately
Now, the day after the elections, they have collectively written exactly one.
It was sent to president-elect Barack Obama today, written under the pen of USCCB President Cardinal Francis George. Providentially, the Archbishop of Obama’s hometown of Chicago.
Dear President-elect Obama,
I write to you, in my capacity as President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, to express our congratulations on your historic election as President of the United States. The people of our country have entrusted you with a great responsibility. As Catholic Bishops, we offer our prayers that God give you strength and wisdom to meet the coming challenges.
Our country is confronting many uncertainties. We pray that you will use the powers of your office to meet them with a special concern to defend the most vulnerable among us and heal the divisions in our country and our world. We stand ready to work with you in defense and support of the life and dignity of every human person.
May God bless you and Vice President-elect Biden as you prepare to assume your duties in service to our country and its citizens.
Sincerely yours,
Francis Cardinal George, OMI
Archbishop of Chicago
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God bless Cardinal George, but in his first letter to the new President-elect he should have vigorously backed up the hundred bishops who spoke out for life during the campaign. We understand the Cardinal’s comments must be measured but the reality here is that we just elected an unapologetic pro-abortion extremeist. The campaign pitted impassioned pro-lifers and Catholic bishops against the culture of death that found a home in the Obama camp.
The outright dishonesty from the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden obfuscated the abortion issue. The salvation of souls is what is at stake here and the bishops seemed to have found their pro-life footing. But instead of putting the new president on notice that he stood by every word his episcopal colleagues uttered during the campaign it seems the Cardinal lobbed a softbal. Rahm Emmanuel and Obama’s other advisors are likely to view the letter as a sign that we