Make no mistake
Unless changed, the health care reform legislation currently written and debated as HB 3200 will use taxpayer dollars to fund abortion. Michigan Democratic Congressman Bart Stupak is still working to change that. It’s been a battle.
In appropriations bills, we have had the Mexico City language and the Dornan language in place for a number of years. But this year, when we tried to put the right-to-life amendments in the appropriation bills, we lost every time.
Normally, when we go to the Rules Committee, we’d have a vote on the House floor. This is the first year the Rules Committee hasn’t allowed us any pro-life amendment.
If it becomes law, H.R. 3200 [as it is now written] will be the health policy for the United States. The policy regarding public funding for abortion will no longer be found in annual appropriations bills, but in H.R. 3200. That means public funding for abortion will be allowed — and under public options: At least one dollar of your money will go to supplement reproductive rights or abortion services…
Last week, 30 of us in the House said, “Give us the Hyde Amendment or we’re voting against the rule.â€
Good for the 30, and may their ranks swell…