Marking Roe
The Supreme Court ruling legalizing abortion in America turns 38 today. It’s getting old.
The argument for “choice” is losing a significant amount of whatever credibility it had, and it had that as a result of a concerted marketing campaign of deception, truth be told. The cumulative effect of abortion leaders, providers and survivors coming over to the pro-life movement with the gravity of their experience and awareness and witness has been a reversal of public acceptance of abortion laws in recent years.
So did the pro-abortion American president keep a low profile on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade? Not exactly.
President Barack Obama is marking the 38th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark decision on abortion by calling the procedure a constitutional right he’s committed to protecting.
Obama also said in a statement Saturday that he remains committed to policies designed to prevent unintended pregnancies. And he called on Americans to recommit themselves to ensuring that, in the president’s words, “our daughters have the same rights, the same freedoms, and the same opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams.”
Obama said the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion affirmed what he called a “fundamental principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters.”
What semantic gymnastics, to borrow a phrase from that 1970 California Medical Association editorial. Our sons and daughters have no rights, freedoms or opportunities at all until they’ve made it past the moment of full-term, completed live birth, because of radical laws instituted through tortured logic by the most ardent abortion supporters. Who fight to protect the right to kill a baby in the middle of the birth canal in the process of being born, otherwise known as partial-birth abortion. Which the abortion movement refers to as “so-called” ‘partial-birth abortion’, which they prefer to simply call “late term abortion.” You don’t get any later than birth to still kill the child and claim the mantle of ‘abortion rights.’
Let’s be honest. The truth about abortion is becoming clearer.
There is an obvious tension between thinking that unborn children are in some sense human lives worth saving, and also thinking that these human beings should have no formal right not to be harmed.
The Associated Press notes at the end of that little piece:
Anti-abortion activists will participate in an annual “March for Life” in Washington on Monday.
The secular media changed their style books to help that linguistic engineering of public opinion a while back. Better stated, the pro-life movement will hold the annual “March for Life” in Washington on Monday. If the media can’t get around to covering it, they’ll have lots of help this time from the armies of young people ready to text and tweet live updates.