Message to Hollywood actors:
The Miracle Theater, a faith-based production group, paid nearly $100,000 to run a full page ad titled “Christian Entertainers Say ‘Enough Is Enough'” in USA Today to address blasphemous remarks made about Jesus by stand-up comic Kathy Griffin.
Griffin made the offensive remarks during her Emmy acceptance speech, Sept. 9.
The group of Christian entertainers were moved to take a bold stand for Christ. They said they can no longer tolerate Hollywood and the entertainment industry mocking Jesus Christ before the world…
The ad drew nationwide publicity, and was shown by Larry King on his nightly CNN show the same day. Millions of viewers were exposed to the growing outrage.
The Catholic League’s Bill Donohue
called for the TV academy to “denounce Griffin’s obscene and blasphemous comment.”
Responding to the Catholic League’s request, Griffin issued a statement through her publicist saying her remarks were only supposed to be a joke.
That, and the ‘free speech’ excuse can’t be used to hide behind anymore, stated the Christian theater group.
The group’s general manager, Russ Hollingsworth, said he could no longer stand by and watch his faith and God be singled out and slandered in the media.
“It seems like Christianity is the only religion that it’s acceptable to persecute,” Hollingsworth said. “It made my heart sick to see people in the audience at the Emmys laughing at Griffin’s remarks. It should not be acceptable to mock anyone’s faith. We have to start changing the hearts and minds of people on this subject!”
Hollingsworth asserts that slandering God should no longer be treated with tolerance or protected with the “freedom of speech.”
“We believe that every American has the right to worship freely and to speak freely,” he said. “We believe, however, that as Christians, we should not accept mockery of our Lord quietly.
This is what it takes to make a difference. Instead of saying ‘somebody should do something’……actually doing something. It’s time.