Mind-boggling stunt
Okay, President Obama is not being held to account nearly as much as, say, President Bush would have been.
But headlines continue to come out, especially in the New York press, like “Scare Force One”, or “Air Farce One”. Which are frankly deserved, given the grievous lack of sensibility the photo-op flyover displayed, especially when they could have photoshopped it or used a file photo.
Here’s one piece. Notice, they’re taking to task the FAA (though this other piece pretended that Obama would considering asking Caldera to step down.) Were it the Bush administration……we know the tenor.
At least they turned it into a pop phenomenon, for better or worse.
On the heels of that Scare Force One flyby earlier this week, the New York Daily News is holding a contest inviting folks to submit their best photoshopped images featuring Air Force One. Some are seriously hysterical.
Honest question: How funny would this have been had G. W. Bush been in office at the time? Or….any Republican? Aren’t we supposed to be “post-partisan”?
Aside from the media circus….this remains a serious lapse of sanity on the highest level.
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Great job pointing this out, Sheila. The hypocrisy and bias of the mainstream media would be laughable were it not so dangerous to our republic. Their open cheer leading gave us this president, after all.