More Americans are pro-life
Yes, ‘abortion support’ has fallen sharply.
“”This is great news. This poll shows that the pro-life movement is winning hearts and minds. Pro-lifers are making an effective case that all women deserve better than abortion and that every child deserves a chance to be born,” said Cathy Ruse, the senior fellow for legal studies at the anti-abortion Family Research Council in Washington.
“The Rev. Flip Benham, a Dallas, Texas-based anti-abortion activist, said the survey reflected a change he had already seen taking place.
“It’s something that we have known for a long, long time that’s been beneath the radar,” he said. “The heart of America is changing and only with time do the laws reflect that change.”
‘[And] the subject has crept into the battle to reform America’s health care system, with opponents of abortion in both parties determined to prevent federal dollars from funding abortions.”
So why is it still in all the legislation in Congress? And why does the majority party in various committees continue to vote down efforts by pro-life Democrats and Republicans to explicitly exclude abortion coverage from health care legislation?