More good news
Make that great news. I received an email from an on-fire young man involved in a tremendous national ministry I’ve known about for some time called FOCUS, Fellowship of Catholic University Students, and covered once on my radio show. It deserves way more attention than that, and I can’t put it in better words than Paul did when he wrote me about it. So here’s what he wants people to know about the work going on around the country.
FOCUS is a Catholic missionary organization that reaches out to those places in most need of Catholic Christian values–our college campuses! It’s a remarkable program, literally doubling in size every year since it started… It sends 2 men 2 women to each campus it is invited to (young adults, just graduated with a college degree). Each campus chapter must be invited and supported by the Pastor and the Bishop. The missionaries attend an intense 5-week summer training session on spirituality, apologetics, Church history, etc.
And it’s bearing an abundance of fruit.
FOCUS is a huge, huge vocation developer. Since its start, 90 men have entered seminary and 30 women have entered religious life, and credited much of their discernment to FOCUS. Having been involved with FOCUS at two different campuses, I can tell you that these full-time missionaries are Christ’s instruments who are lighting a FIRE in the hearts of nominal and fallen away Catholics (such as myself).Â
FOCUS works primarily on the principle of “spiritual multiplication,” where each missionary chooses 2-3 faith (and fire!)-filled Catholic students and begins discipling relationships…having coffee, eating lunch, talking about the direction of the faith and spiritual life. After a while, these disciples are encouraged to find 2-3 of their own disciples (while they are still discipling “under” someone else).
What a gift!
What a testimony!
I should disclose that I am applying to be a FOCUS missionary, and I can’t wait! FOCUS is quickly changing the culture, and filling the country with Catholics in love with their faith, their Magisterium, and their Pope. Marriage, NFP, Papal infallibility, and vocations are all the buzz in FOCUS student circles.
The zeal and energy are contagious. Be encouraged. Spread the fire.
And thanks, Paul, for passing it this way.