More tyrant chic
I’ve mentioned this before, but continue to see these Che T-shirts out there and wonder what the wearer is thinking. They’re wondering about that, too, over at the Acton Institute.
Cuban–American author Humberto Fontova has a new book out entitled, Exposing The Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him. Che worship is something I have been fascinated with for quite some time, especially among the young Americans who are hyper consumers. Investor’s Business Daily ran an interview of Fontova concerning his new book on July 10 and here are some essential quotes by Fontova from the interview…
“He had an arrogant nature. I interviewed people who visited him and tried to save their sons from firing squad executions without trial. He liked to toy with them. He liked to pick up the phone in front of weeping mothers and bark out, “Execute the Fernandez boy right now!â€
“They have big notions, especially the young kids who see Che as a hero — that he is a revolutionary, that he fought “The Man.†No, sir, I say, he was “The Man†that rebellious people fought against. You got it completely backwards.â€
The disinformation out there about Che is staggering…
If the Che t-shirt culture reminds of us anything it’s the fact and sadness of the billions of people who live under totalitarian oppression are often forgotten. Unfortunately the evil Stalinist – Che ideology is not just forgotten but knowingly and sometimes unknowingly propped up by copycat consumers.
Next time you see one of these shirts, ask the wearer what they know about this guy they’re promoting. Cuban-Americans can help fill you in.