It is the greatest role on earth, in my view. And the world’s toughtest job, in Mercatornet’s. The set of reflections there speak to the challenges and rewards. That’s a tough enough assignment, to put words to something so sublime…
They include thoughts from different perspectives:
The main challenge of motherhood has probably been the same since the beginning of the world: getting the balance right between “helping†and giving freedom, and having a home that is an antidote to the outside evils of society, which are present, but variable in any given age and culture.
Another woman says…
The biggest reward of motherhood is the complete joy you feel knowing this person who is your child. There is a new realization of the love we received from our parents and an even greater awareness of the love God must feel towards each and every one of his children. We are loved simply for being ourselves.
My thoughts go along those lines. When my first son was born, I remember my sister-in-law saying to me that she had never seen anyone so transformed by motherhood as I had been. And this is a lady who doesn’t just drop idle whims. She was right about how totally it transformed me.
And so on this day we set aside to honor Mothers, I thank mine for the gift of life, and her total and unconditional love and prayers throughout, to this moment. For all that she has done for each member of our family, which is incalculable. And for always being there, no matter what, with support and encouragement, hope and grace.
And I thank God for my own family, for giving me the most awesome and humbling gift of giving and caring for life, and an unspeakable love so deep and unconditional, it has to be the first hint of what heaven must be like.
John Paul plumbed the depths of Divine intent in a numer of his writings, including Mulieris Dignitatem, the Apostolic Letter On the Dignity and Vocation of Women.
Human parenthood is something shared by both the man and the woman. Even if the woman, out of love for her husband, says: “I have given you a child”, her words also mean: “This is our child”. Although both of them together are parents of their child, the woman’s motherhood constitutes a special “part” in this shared parenthood, and the most demanding part. Parenthood – even though it belongs to both – is realized much more fully in the woman, especially in the prenatal period. It is the woman who “pays” directly for this shared generation, which literally absorbs the energies of her body and soul. It is therefore necessary that the man be fully aware that in their shared parenthood he owes a special debt to the woman…
Motherhood involves a special communion with the mystery of life, as it develops in the woman’s womb… This unique contact with the new human being developing within her gives rise to an attitude towards human beings – not only towards her own child, but every human being – which profoundly marks the woman’s personality. It is commonly thought that women are more capable than men of paying attention to another person, and that motherhood develops this predisposition even more. The man – even with all his sharing in parenthood – always remains “outside” the process of pregnancy and the baby’s birth; in many ways he has to learn his own “fatherhood” from the mother.
What a tribute to the beauty, and the awesome responsibility, of motherhood. I thank God for it, every day.