NBC’s excuse for rejecting a great ad
Super Bowl ads have such a premium on them because they’re sure to get a vast audience. They’re such a pop culture phenomenon, some news stations have done little features on all the contenders for those prized spots, how they’re made and the special creativity that goes into planning them.
NBC has rejected a couple of ads this time around, one from the animal rights group PETA that borders on the obscene, and one from Fidelis.org, that is brilliant and beautiful in its simple, positive message.
After several days of negotiations, an NBC representative in Chicago told CatholicVote.org late yesterday that NBC and the NFL are not interested in advertisements involving ‘political advocacy or issues.’
Brian Burch, President of CatholicVote.org said, “There is nothing objectionable in this positive, life-affirming advertisement. We show a beautiful ultrasound, something NBC’s parent company GE has done for years. We congratulate Barack Obama on becoming the first African-American President. And we simply ask people to imagine the potential of every human life.â€
The rejection is because of the abortion agenda pervading politics and media. It’s all about abortion. This probably makes them squirm, because it makes the point of life in the womb, and the smokescreen excuses abortion providers always use. But those excuses break down when they’re applied to….say….the president of the United States.
“The purpose of our new ad is to spread a message of hope about the potential of every human life, including the life of Barack Obama,†said Burch. “We are now looking at alternative venues to run the ad over the next several weeks.â€
Meanwhile, you can see it here.