New Zogby poll
This one is not political, for a change. It cuts across party lines and ideologies.
A new survey shows nine out of 10 parents agree being sexually abstinent is best for their child’s health and future and, mostly, believe the message to wait is lost when sex education teaches the use of contraceptives.
The Zogby Poll done for the National Abstinence Education Association was released just as Congress is scheduled to put the issue of funding abstinence-only education programs on its agenda.
Valerie Huber, the association’s executive director, said the poll also reveals the preference for abstinence-only education programs rises sharply – from 40 percent to 60 percent – when parents understand that sex education programs encompassing contraceptives do encourage sexual activity. Only 30 percent continue to maintain that “comprehensive” sex education is preferable.
“Parents simply want the best for their children,” Huber told WND. “Once they think of what specifically is best for their own son or daughter, they choose abstinence, regardless of their [political agenda].”
She said the facts – if you take away the ideology – remain that same: abstinence is the one guaranteed method of preventing unwanted teen pregnancies and the related complications.
Seems like it’s stating the obvious, but it’s easiest to see when one is looking at – or thinking about – their own children.
(Huber) said (she) found it “incredulous” that people could say they want to address teen pregnancy, but continue to support programs that teach children exactly what they then are expected not to do…
“Americans across all ideologies, religions, etc… It didn’t take very long for them, once they understood what abstinence education is, to choose it,” she said. “We’re hoping that Congress understands what this is about.”
…and gets past a political agenda to look at, and see, the children receiving the education.