No-family planning

The semantic engineering going on between the United Nations and International Planned Parenthood is just amazing. They want the public to think they’re all about rights and family health. But look more closely….

The UN Population Fund is about reducing population by either preventing or eliminating people. And claiming that as a ‘right’.

The new US ambassador for global women’s issues has assured the UN of the Obama administration’s “deep commitment” to its blueprint for slowing the population explosion and empowering women.

Population explosion is a myth. And “empowering women” is a chilling disguise for spreading the profitable abortion industry, which actually devastates women. But some powerful women are pushing that agenda.

The new secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, recently told a Planned Parenthood “that reproductive rights and the umbrella issue of women’s rights and empowerment is going to be a key to the foreign policy of this administration.” She stressed the link between women’s rights and democracy.

Remember that story about Eve and the apple?

Anyway, this ‘women’s empowerment’ drive is getting to be a forceful campaign. It’s now reaching lower and grabbing teens in its network. No…wait….even lower. There’s no age limit to who gets “sexual rights”.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) recently launched a new petition campaign that aims to pressure governments to “promote, protect and fulfill their promise to provide better access to sexual and reproductive health services” for all young people “regardless of age.” The petition was launched in commemoration of the fifteenth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 1994).

The petition promotes the message “Count Me In: Sexual Rights For All.” “Sexual rights” are not included in the ICPD program of action that the IPPF petition campaign is centered around.  According to the official conference report, not only is the term not included in the ICPD program of action, but it only appears as part of reservations from countries objecting to any inclusion in the text.  To date, the term “sexual rights” has never appeared in any binding, negotiated UN document – attributable to controversy over attempts by some to include abortion within its definition.

IPPF also lists advocacy objectives that include pressuring governments “to recognize the right of all young people to make decisions about their own sexual and reproductive health” and to “build momentum for universal access to sexual and reproductive health services around the world.”

IPPF’s new campaign portrays “family planning” as a human right and emphasizes the need for governments and the international community to provide resources.

Carry this out demographically, and we’ll see the results of some UNpopulated societies.

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