NOW they say the hype was unwarranted

On the car radio a couple of days ago, I caught an interesting interview on Beeb radio with Tina Brown about media in decline and President Obama in….well, decline. Brown now claims he should have never been so built up in the first place.

What great vision we have in hindsight.

That same night, I caught a fairly stunning Jon Stewart Daily Show that actually faced the reality that Obama may be “just a guy” after all, instead of a messianic figure.

Both broadcasts will be available for a limited time, no doubt. I recommend them to anyone with a little time and willingness to listen. They both mark a cultural turning point.

Here’s the Tina Brown interview.

“In an interview for Hardtalk, Tina Brown, the Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Beast, talks to Stephen Sackur about the state of American politics. Was the hype over Obama justified?”

(News tease: No, she says, not really. After all, he was an inexperienced, new senator from Illinois when he began running for president. She claims she never drank the Obama Kool-aid…)

And here’s the Stewart segment that had to be hard for the guy to do.

After all the political calculations (an interesting skit there), he had to conclude that Bo the family dog pushed Obama’s falling ratings up an extra six points, thankfully.

Where was this sort of honesty before?

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