Obama’s Catholic advisors serve another purpose

They are there to help the candidate reach out better and appeal more to ‘the Catholic vote’. But their presence is raising some questions of consistency and morality that haven’t been asked much. Yet.

Closed Cafeteria noticed yesterday that the Wall Street Journal examines this compromise.

Read the whole piece, it’s instructive. Look at the NARAL approval ratings of those Catholics, along with Sen. Obama’s 100 percent certification with the abortion group. If only there were more Bob Casey Srs. around today, strong pro-life Democrats who uphold the values and morals that made the party great.

As the piece points out, they do have morals. It’s just a choice set of them, selectively applied.

It’s not that Catholic Democrats lack a moral language. Sen. Richard Durbin (D., Ill.), for example, is another Catholic council member who also enjoys a 100% NARAL approval rating. During recent Senate hearings, he accused oil company executives of having “all the compassion of Burmese generals.”

When Mr. Durbin is willing to use similar language to describe the taking of innocent, unborn life, we’ll know we have change we can believe in.

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