One earmark down
The birth control spending earmark in the Democrats’ stimulus package was suddenly dropped today. Whether it was because Speaker Nancy Pelosi made the mind-boggling excuse that it’s cost-effective for government to have fewer people or something else….President Obama today exerted his preference to omit it from the plan. It didn’t belong there in the first place.
After a national pro-life outcry following news that Congressional Democrats placed a bailout for the Planned Parenthood abortion business in the economic stimulus bill, President Barack Obama has urged party leaders to remove it…
Republican leaders, including House Minority Leader John Boehner complained bitterly about the plan sending as much as $200 million to Planned Parenthood.
Boehner said there is no reason for an economic package to contain funds for the nation’s largest abortion business by qualifying more people for family planning funds under Medicaid.
With an overwhelming liberal majority in both houses of Congress, and virtually all big media playing eager accomplices to their agenda, Boehner and fellow pro-life legislators – including pro-life Democrats – have to stand strong to represent the majority of Americans on issues of moral values.
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Thanks for reporting this small ray of hope Sheila!
This is a great lesson in how a minority party in American politics regains power:
1- Identifying their core principles
2- Picking their battles
3- Digging in their heels
Republicans in Congress must stand firmly on the side of life and liberty. When Democrats propose legislation that attacks these core principles, Republicans must stand firm, even if they eventually lose a few battles. Let Republicans compromise on lesser issues if they must so as not to appear as simply obstructionists, but they should not yield on core moral principles. In this way they will restore their base and position themselves to regain power in 2010 and 2012 just as it did in 1994.