One Google search to narrow

At least in some countries, Google is respecting a presumption for life.

Search engine giant Google is apparently disallowing advertisements for abortion businesses in several nations, some of which prohibit abortions and some of which don’t.

The rational[e] behind the Google decision remained unclear, which abortion advocates are blasting, LifeNews reports.

This is an amazing victory for those who constantly contend with abortion forces, peddling the easy option to end life.

While ads for abortion are allowed in many nations, such as the United States, Google appears to have banned them in countries such as Brazil, France, Mexico, Poland, and Taiwan.

What led to this decision?

“Last September, we reviewed our abortion ads policy in order to make sure it was fair, up to date and consistent with local customs and practices,” the staffer told Adelman. “We decided to disallow ads for abortion services, such as abortion clinics, in the following markets: Germany, Poland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, France, Italy and Spain.”

Imagine the power of banning such ads for ending preborn human lives in the United States.

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