One horrendous story
When you get past the horrific details of this story, you have to face the truth underlying it and violence like it.
Dozens of plastic bags stuffed with body parts believed to be from aborted female fetuses or newborn girls killed because their families wanted boys have been found in an abandoned well in eastern India, officials said Monday.
Investigators suspect a nearby medical clinic performed the abortions and possibly killed infants at the parents’ request because they were female, although authorities have yet to conclusively determine the sex of the babies, said Yogesh Bahadur Khurania, a senior police official in the east coast state of Orissa.
He said police were also still trying to determine how many babies or fetuses had been dumped in the well near the Krishna Clinic. A television news channel said authorities believe as many as 37 had been found.
….so far….and in this one, grisly case. And a fetus is a baby going through developing stages, much like the newborn develops to the toddler, then to the adolescent, the teen, the adult.
Last year, an international team of researchers estimated that up to 10 million female fetuses had been aborted in the past decade in India, a country of about 1.1 billion people.
That’s 10 million women. Period.
When a culture accepts and even protects the killing of unborn human life at any stage of development for any reason, and spins it as “choice” and “reproductive rights”, the inevitable consquences will be crimes against humanity. Mother Teresa said that, often. One wonders how many women like here there might have been in the 10 million slaughtered in India alone.