Ongoing battle with the Times
The uproar continues over the New York Times article on abortion in El Salvador. Now the Times is refusing to give space to an op-ed piece challenging their misreporting, and LifeNews is staying on their case.
 The most recent development is that the Times has refused to publish a corrective op-ed from the Salvadoran group “Yes to Life” which points out that the major newspaper in El Salvador has uncovered numerous additional errors in the New York Times piece on abortion in El Salvador…
Julia Regina de Cardenal, president of ‘Yes to Life’, was interviewed for the original NYT piece.Â
Cardenal’s now-rejected NYT op-ed pointed out that “Salvadoran reporters who investigated the issue of criminal prosecutions for abortion said that in the past seven years they found only three women were convicted of abortion and none of them were imprisoned.” The op-ed adds, “The primary purpose of criminal prosecutions is to charge abortionists who take advantage of women who find themselves in difficult situations.”
While NYT reporter Jack Hitt attempted to paint a horrific situation for women in the country with pro-life laws, the true statistics show that women fared better under pro-life laws. “Government figures,” says Cardenal, “show maternal mortality went down in years following the tightening up of our abortion law. Women are safer because of our laws.”
Do informed news consumers still consider the Times “the paper of record”? In recent years, they’re setting a new one. For serial intelligence leaks, and misreporting…especially on issues of abortion.