Operation Forgotten Soldier
…is apparently being forgotten.
This is unthinkable. It’s probably because virtually nobody is thinking about it right now.
The purpose of Forgotten Soldiers Outreach is to send care packages and letters of encouragement to our deployed soldiers.
This is why they do it.
After the immediate excitement of the war calmed down, most Americans returned to their day to day lives. In the process, many have forgotten that these men and women are not only in combat 24-7, but are longing for their families they’ve left behind. We, at Forgotten Soldiers Outreach, have found that many families cannot afford to continually send care packages and letters. So these soldiers get lost in the midst of the battles. Some stop hearing from their families altogether. After the immediate launch on Iraq, the media has little to report about our soldiers. For the most part, drop-off centers have ceased to collect for them. This is the driving force behind Forgotten Soldiers Outreach.
This is what we can do for them. I like how they word it. Encourage those who serve.