Orthodox Neo-Confucianism and Liberal Fascism
How are the two related, for goodness sake?!
Kevin Williamson explains, in his own way, over at NRO.
Every time I come across the word “liberal” used in its true sense, I get a little burned up that we’ve conceded the word to the Left. I know, this is an old, well-gnawed bone, but one of the many reasons that I hope Liberal Fascism continues to garner a wide readership is because Jonah patiently illustrates that modern progressivism is hugely at odds with true liberalism, which is to say with what we now call “classical liberalism.”
The terminology these days gets confusing. Jonah Goldberg’s book is one of the latest to try to sort it out.
Interesting that the Good Friday reading was the account of Pontius Pilate asking Jesus “What is truth?”