Palin’s Pennsylvania speech

She focused again on abortion. Mainstream media reported it with choice words.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin charged into the culture wars Saturday in Pennsylvania, painting Sen. Barack Obama as a radical on abortion rights…

Ethics woes aside, Palin focused her attention on abortion — an issue that rallies the conservative base but some say alienates independent and women voters.

“In times like these with wars and financial crisis, I know that it may be easy to forget even as deep and abiding a concern as the right to life, and it seems that our opponent kind of hopes you will forget that,” Palin told a crowd in Johnstown. “He hopes that you won’t notice how radical, absolutely radical his idea is on this, and his record is, until it’s too late.”


Palin said Obama’s record on the matter is too extreme to be ignored, and she spent 10 minutes of her 30-minute speech discussing abortion.

“A vote for Barack Obama is a vote for activist courts that will continue to smother the open and democratic debate that we deserve and that we need on this issue of life,” she said. “Obama is a politician who has long since left behind even the middle ground on the issue of life.”

Debate moderators are staying away from the subject, the most important issue to social conservatives. McCain has not brought it up, either. But Palin has re-injected into the debate taking place on the campaign trail.

“So I listened when our opponent defended his unconditional support for unlimited abortions and he said he said that a woman shouldn’t have to be ‘Punished with a baby,’…”Ladies and gentlemen, he said that right here in Johnstown. ‘Punished with a baby.’ It’s about time we called him on it.”

The pro-life movement has been, for the entire campaign. In the final weeks, they’re encouraged that one of the major candidates is speaking up on the sanctity of life, as well.

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  • Bravo for Governor Palin putting the issue of life back on the table.

    However, I don’t think it’s enough to simply state that Obama’s views are extreme. People tune out statements like this as being merely political attacks. We need to take the gloves off and be very very explicit about Obama’s stated views on this issue and what the effects of those views are. We need to cite chapter and verse:

    -He voted multiple times against a bill that would protect babies that survive an abortion and are living and breathing on their own outside their mother.

    And, by virtue of his unequivocal support of FOCA:

    -He will allow 13-year-old girls to have abortions without their parents knowledge
    -He will allow predatory men to take 13-year-old girls across state lines to have abortions
    -He will rescind laws that require abortion facilities to maintain the same medical standards as other clinics
    -He will overturn laws requiring clinics to OFFER information about fetal development to women seeking an abortion, even though the woman is free not to take the information if she doesn’t want to (this belies the whole notion of choice)

    The list goes on and on. We cannot be shy about this!

    Keep up the great work Sheila! I first heard you on Relevant Radio and now I love your blog too!

    God bless you and your work.

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