Paying the tab for Planned Parenthood
Taxpayers pick up a third of it. Chances are, most of us didn’t know that.
Until this new report came out.
“By Planned Parenthood’s own accounting, $363 million – one-third of its budget annually – comes from the American taxpayer,” said president of Americans United for Life Dr. Charmaine Yoest.
“While Congress is discussing going deeper in debt and raising the debt ceiling … our government is quietly subsidizing the world’s largest abortion provider with $1 million a day.”
But wait…there’s more.
The report claimed that the organization has committed numerous financial malpractices and human rights abuses over the last two decades. It cited failure to report criminal child sexual abuse, failure to comply with parental involvement laws and willingness to refer to substandard clinics as some of the offenses.
Sufficiently outraged? What constitutes ‘sufficiently’? Enough to prompt action to stop this spiral. But it’s still in a downward spin of offenses against basic human decency.
The report also states that Planned Parenthood has been documented as assisting people engaged in prostitution and or sex trafficking, and has “dangerously” misused the abortion drug RU-486.
Analysis showed that Planned Parenthood has provided inaccurate and misleading information to women regarding fetal development and about abortion’s health risks. The report also stated that “considerable misinformation” has been given to patients on emergency contraception, including the pill “ella”.
Documentation also touched on Medicaid fraud allegedly committed by Planned Parenthood and its local affiliates. The report outlined four cases – in California, New York, New Jersey and Washington state – where Planned Parenthood affiliates have been exposed for fraudulent overbilling practices.
“American taxpayers are being forced to directly support this abortion-saturated organization which is fraught with fraud and misuse of government monies,” Yoest said on Thursday.
When you see it added up like this, even for halfway seasoned pro-life citizens, it’s breathtaking.
So now that it’s not a hot issue on Congress (and btw…why is it not?), who’s doing something about it?
The states. Several states. Elections have consquences, as if we needed another reminder.
1 Comment
The “Holy Grail – Abortion” of women’s “liberation” was always a lawless racket. An easy vote-getter for our racketeers in Washington. Thank God resistance has sprung up in the Statehouses. Pray for the ladies to come to their senses.