Pelosi already met the Bishop

Before the Pope, as it turns out.

A lot of Catholics have been asking for months whether House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s bishop has had any private talks with her about her very public and staunch pro-abortion stance. The buzz was that he tried, but it didn’t work out with her schedule.

Turns out it did.

A spokesman for Nancy Pelosi has told Real Catholic TV and Our Sunday Visitor that San Francisco Archbishop George Niederauer met with the House Speaker on February 8 to discuss her position on abortion.

Commenting on the meeting, spokesman Brendan Daly said, “She is not changing her position on abortion.”

Now that she’s met the Pope, he might want to briefly ask her again. Though we’ll see soon enough in her legislative role.

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  • My take, for what it’s worth, is that the bish wanted to make sure that Nancy Pelosi was absolutely clear on why her statements on Meet the Press last September were clearly not in keeping with the Church teaching today. Also knowing Ms. Pelosi’s tendency to argue her point, he wanted to caution her to listen more than speak when it comes to the Pope so as not to get either of them in trouble (the bish realizing that she is speaking with his immediate boss and he won’t be there!). The bishop reads the papers and knows the feelings of San Francisco’s electorate regarding abortion. He also knows that to excommunicate or deny communion to Pelosi will make her the center of attention and probably a hero. My guess is also he feels that the Archdiocese having an ally in such a high position in Congress is desirable, especially when it comes to Catholic Charities, immigrant care and other social issues. But he doesn’t want get in trouble with the boss either. Hence, “Nancy, when it comes to the Pope, we speak less and listen more, if you get my drift.” But I could be wrong. We shall wait and see what happens next… if anything.

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