People power

Does the battle to define and defend longstanding social policies just seem to be more engaged and critical right now, or is it really heating up? It appears the latter….and it’s appearing around the globe.

As noted earlier here, the European Parliament has activists pushing social change in all sorts of creative and underhanded ways. Recall this snip…

“Why is the EP calling for such closer involvement of the Agency? As it seems, the liberal-left-green-communist majority in the EP considers the “experts” working for the Agency to be close allies when it comes to advocating and/or enforcing radical social policies (such as legalizing abortion, or promoting same-sex “marriage”, or undermining the traditional concepts of marriage and family). The Agency has now existed for less than two years, but the work it has accomplished in this short time already give a clear idea about its radical agenda.”

So the people are pushing back. In Spain

“At a huge rally in the capital, Cardinal Antonio Rouco, the leader of Spain’s Roman Catholics, told protesters the birth rate in Europe will be depleted unless Christian values are maintained…

“But Catholic leaders from across Europe joined their local counterparts and members of the Spanish centre-Right opposition to castigate the socialist government’s policies.

“Europe will be practically without children,” warned Cardinal Rouco, 73, the conservative Archbishop of Madrid. “Who denies to defend a human being so innocent and weak, already conceived but not born, commits a grave violation of moral order.”

In Italy

and in Ireland

they’re pushing back against judicial and legislative overreach and defending their national sovereignty. Which is necessary in this ‘Alice in Wonderland’ environment we’ve entered in global governance.

And check out Malta

“In many ways Ireland’s situation mirrors that in Malta. Only this year, Ireland had sought guarantees from the European Union that ratification of the Lisbon Treaty would not impact on Ireland’s abortion law, a situation that reflected Malta’s EU membership treaty protocol that made it clear abortion legislation could only be changed by the Maltese parliament.

“However, any decision by the European Court of Human Rights, although not directly enforceable in Malta, would serve as caselaw for anybody wishing to challenge the illegality of abortion.”

Promises made for the sake of gaining political power, promises broken to advance a radical agenda against the will of the people.

But the people are standing up, and standing firm. And emboldened by these demonstrations, more of them are speaking out. As I mentioned earlier, it’s probably providential that the theme for the Times Square New Year’s ball drop this year was ‘Let There Be Courage.’

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  • True- under Benedict XVI, the faith has faithful who fulfill the name we are called by!

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