Planned Parenthood and the law
What a tangled web of lawsuits there is across the country involving Planned Parenthood, as both plaintiff and defendant. They generally involve a resistence to information being provided. Domenico Bettinelli points out this one, in which Planned Parenthood is suing a young lady who exposed how the abortion provider helps potential clients skirt the law. A worker at one of their clinics coached the girl on giving incorrect information about her profile so they wouldn’t have to report. Now, they’re going to try to nail her for giving them incorrect information on who she was.
I wonder if Planned Parenthood either doesn’t see the irony, or just looks the other way…
And in this case, they had reportable information on a crime against a young lady, and withheld it.
An Ohio teenager has launched a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood affiliates in Cincinnati for failing to report to authorities that she was a victim of incest…
Filed May ninth, the suit claims that when the girl–who cannot be named–sought an abortion in 2004 at the age of 16, she told staff with Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio that she had been raped by her own father and that the sexual assaults had been occurring since 2000, when she was 12 years old.
The girl accuses Planned Parenthood staff of violating Ohio law by failing to report the situation to authorities, a failure which then led to another 18 months of abuse.
That continued abuse is laid right at the feet of Planned Parenthood, who aggressively campaigns as advocates for the protection of women’s rights and ‘reproductive health.’
The incident is the latest in a growing body of accusations against the largest abortion provider in the country over alleged complicity in covering up rape, statutory rape and incest cases against minor girls.
The truth has been pouring out, especially in the testimony of post-abortive women and crisis pregnancy centers that really do provide services that protect women’s health. More on that in this piece I did for the current issue of Voices.