Promote critical thinking skills
And support one of the finest media outlets in the world as they do the work daily of practicing the craft of journalism for the ultimate goal of informing people about the news of the world, with the fundamental message of human dignity highlighted in each of them.
Okay, that’s a run-on sentence, definitely. But hard to make it short and snappy when there’s a mouthful to say about MercatorNet.
Disclaimer….yes, I do work with them and for them. But….that’s because I so admire the work they do, I’m happy to be aligned with a media outlet so dedicated to truth and dignity.
Now, they’re reaching out for support, to expand the work of covering the news from the unique perspective of the new humanism that defines global relations. It’s the moral ‘story behind the story’ of all the news…..and this news is more ‘fit to print’ than most anything of our Times…