Rallying for life in Europe
The March for Life in Washington has been getting more involvement each year from pro-life groups in other countries. I had a few on my show last year and they said they were taking lessons back to their own regional pro-life work that they learned in America.
It showed in Portugal over the weekend.
Anti-abortion activists marched through the Portuguese capital Sunday, two weeks before the country holds a referendum on whether to lift stringent restrictions on the procedure.
Note the reporting. This is the Associated Press starting off the piece with the label the MSM have tagged onto the pro-life movement to sway public opinion: “anti-abortion activists.”
Protesters carried colored flags and banners representing the different phases of life. Police said about 2,000 participated in the demonstration, but organizers placed the figure at 5,000.
That’s the AP spinning the figures.
“We want to tell the world that we believe in life from conception to the last sigh,” said organizer Sofia Guedes.
Make that “the last gasp”, given what happened to Terri Schiavo, and the likelihood that the pro-abortion/euthanasia activists will continue to push their agenda.