Remember when McCain went to Mexico?
No? Â
That’s because it hardly got any coverage back in July when it happened. The media were focused on Barack Obama and some of us were playing a weekly game like ‘Where’s Waldo’ trying to find coverage of John McCain. I heard about this visit, but not much.
A couple of weeks ago a reader named Nancy sent me several photos of the McCain’s visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and attached the briefest account from a minor media source. I intended to put them up here with more details, but they were not forthcoming. Meanwhile, the daily crush of election coverage has intensified, pushing older stories back further.
This is not a dated story. It is timeless.
Inside Catholic carried that media account of the visit back when it happened. Opinionated Catholic has the story and the photos.
Thought other opinionated Catholics might like to know.