Resolutions for life

Fr. Thomas Euteneuer has drawn up some resolutions for 2007 in the ongoing mission to protect life in America, and the world. As president of Human Life International, he knows how global the mission is.

So he suggests three basic things – contemplate, pray and act. Think about the casual attitude toward abortion in this culture. Pray for people who have that attitude. And take some action to turn the culture around. He offers help.

Find the local abortion clinic in your community and make a promise to pray there at least three times in 2007—minimum.

While you’re at it, find the local pregnancy care center and make contact with them. It is likely they are in need of volunteers. Be one of them! They all operate on shoe-string budgets too so support them!

Speak up in some forum and defend life, be it on the internet, in a letter to the editor, or in conversations with friends, family and co-workers. Of course they will call you a fanatic! It does not matter. You must think of that Day when the Lord will ask you what you did to defend His precious little ones. You must be able to say you spoke out on their behalf.

Boycott the businesses that fund the death industry. These groups don’t deserve one dollar of our hard-earned money if they are material cooperators in the killing of innocents. The most reputable boycott group that I know of is Life Decisions International whose detailed corporate boycott list you can order from their website ( and who provide ongoing insight into the activities of Planned Parenthood.

I’m sure there’s much more we can all do, but these things are good for starters! I will be praying for you and your families as we finish this year of pro-life election losses and enter into a year full of hope and promise.

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