Revealing use of words
People who distort the truth by spinning their wishful thinking into an altered reality are getting away with it less these days. The more you examine how words are used, the more clearly you see what’s really going on in ANY news story.
Let’s start with an update on the one about the women who think they’ve made themselves priests. Here’s an interesting piece from Diogenes at CWNews that looks at what these women reveal, in their own language, about a supposed Mass the women celebrated.
One enthusiastic participant in the ceremony, speaking to Philadelphia’s Channel 6 afterward, had a revealing way of expressing her support:
If Jesus were here on earth today, he probably would have been in the front pew, applauding her.
Notice that she puts Jesus in the congregation, not on the altar. But then at the same time she recognizes implicitly that Jesus was not on the altar. She speculates on what might have happened if He had appeared on earth that Sunday morning. At a real Catholic Mass, He does.
Way to show that words mean things, Diogenes. Let’s keep the dialogue honest.