Separating State from Church in China

Benedict issued a bold and charitable letter to the Chinese over the weekend – to both members of the Church and the Chinese government.

Only the head of the Catholic Church could have written this kind of letter, touching every aspect of the Church’s life in China and its society, with sympathy and understanding even for its political leaders, but also with great clarity about what is necessary and indispensable for the Church, claiming independence in spiritual matters vis-à-vis the system, asking Chinese bishops, priests and faithful to preserve and pass on to the next generations the great treasure which the Catholic faith.

Thoughtfully and in cordial participation, Benedict XVI shares the cries and dismay of Christians “at God’s silence in the face of the persecutions,” praising the fidelity of so many “witnesses of the faith, “ “the hope of the Church for the future!” At the same time he looks mercifully even upon  those bishops and priests who are illegitimate and in ambiguous situations, urging everyone to live in open unity with the pontiff, to forgive one another, to pastorally work together for mission and the good of Chinese society.

In a loving and open attitude he demands in the name of the Catholic faith the right for the Holy See to appoint its bishops. He calls on underground bishops to seek official government recognition and on official bishops to overcome their fear and publicly acknowledge their ties with the Pope so that bishops and the faithful alike can become reconciled. He especially urges the Chinese Church as a whole to go beyond the defensive mode persecution imposed on it, and try instead evangelising Chinese society, Asia and the whole world…

He’s openly addressing both the underground Church of the faithful true to Rome and the pope, and the political and “official” state-established church – known as the Patriotic Association – run by the government. The reason the underground Church and its priests and bishops have had to live in fear is the ongoing persecutions, arrests and exile for those caught practicing the true faith.

Because he wants to uphold the “unrenounceable principles” of separation between state and Church and protect the Catholic doctrine, Benedict XVI states that the Patriotic Association (PA) is unacceptable. With its attempts at “independence and autonomy, self-management and democratic administration of the Church” the PA runs the risk of distorting the life of the catholic communion itself.

Cardinal Joseph Zen, bishop of Hong Kong, publicly praised the letter. Asia News reports on Zen’s remarks…

Benedict XVI’s letter to the bishops, priests, religious and faithful of China represents “precious balance achieved by the Holy Father between his passion for the truth and his love for his children” and should be “a common starting point for dialogue” between the Chinese clergy and political leaders.

…and that report published the text of Benedict’s letter. But “the official Chinese response,” the BBC notes, “has not been so positive.”

Beijing said it is willing to continue a dialogue with the Vatican, but a government spokesman said the Pope must not interfere in China’s affairs in the name of religion.

Actually, this all started when China interfered in Church affairs in the name of the state.

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